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walker\'s marsupial frog
gastrotheca walkeri  detail>>
andean marsupial tree frog
gastrotheca riobambae  detail>>
gold-spotted marsupial frog
gastrotheca aureomaculata  detail>>
helena\'s marsupial frog
gastrotheca helenae  detail>>
horned marsupial frog
gastrotheca cornuta  detail>>
niceforo\'s marsupial frog
gastrotheca nicefori  detail>>
peru marsupial frog
gastrotheca peruana  detail>>
ruiz\'s marsupial frog
gastrotheca ruizi  detail>>
silver marsupial frog
gastrotheca plumbea  detail>>
williamson\'s marsupial frog
gastrotheca williamsoni  detail>>
 n.  marsupial  adj.  marsupial  detail>>
walker\'s tree frog
dryophytes walkeri  detail>>
marsupial shrew
phascolosorex  detail>>
pouch (marsupial)
marsupium  detail>>
the walker
the walker  detail>>
 n.  marcheur, promeneur; piéton, personne se promenant à pied;personne qui aime à marcher...  detail>>
 n.  grenouille  detail>>
6372 walker
(6372) walker  detail>>